Well, when is the last time I Blogged? Honestly I have nooooooooo idea! Life just seems to be such a whirl~wind the last few days that seem to have turned into weeks & months! But that is what happens when you have such a wonderful family such as mine! They keep ya on your toes!
So many of my Stampin' Ladies & Friends have been asking when I was going to update the blog so I thought, I had better let ya'll know what we have been doing since my last post.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Long Story short~ Stuart came home!
Everyone waits with anticipation as the hanger doors open and their soldiers march in.

Stuart kept his eyes on me the whole time, hmmm, I wonder why! Just look at that smile!

The children could not wait to run to Daddy, what a precious moment to have your loved one home from war.
Everyone got a little choked up, but we are all so happy to have our Hero Home where He Belongs!

Ahhhhhhhhh, finally in each others arms!!!!!!!!

Now let the whirl~wind really begin!
I can not begin to post all the pictures of all the things we have done over the last few months, so I will try and do a quick review. (ya'll really need to follow me on FaceBook. hint ~ hint!) ;-)

Girls Volley Ball Season was exhausting but wonderful!!!! the girls even made it to the play offs! Way to go Lady Eagles!!!!

Stuart and I having fun watching the girls play V-Ball, Love the fact that the girls are playing the sport that I loved and played while in school! Makes a "Mama Proud"

2010 Family Photo!

What Family pics are complete without the absolutely "Wacky One"? This tradition started with our 2nd family portraits when the children were 18monts.

What a pretty Tree!

Children eager to get into their stockings!

Thank goodness we clean as we go, otherwise the children may have been lost under the wrapping paper! Merry Christmas Everyone!

Then there were the House Hunting trips! Amazingly every time we went it had just snowed, so a sledding we would go! Or should I say a Beach Boogie Boarding we would go? LOL, we had so much fun!

Ah, and then there was the 1/4 mile hike up a steep snow covered road that the van could not make it up! We were in search of a wonderful house with Lake Access, found the house, but no Lake Access, sooooooo it is off the list!
Ahhhhhhhhhh do you see the sun shining on the Chosen house?

I think that may actually be an Angel with her shining halo watching over us as we found the perfect Log Cabin Home! Can not wait to show you pics of the inside as we move in and make it ours!
I have still managed to have a few Stamp~a~Stacks!

Loved the masculine cards, seems you can never have enough! 2 different ways to make the card with the same stamp set, and Ooooo~la~la, the Valentine goodie is devine! I will post that a little later!
Thought this was the cutest card ever! it looks like a gift bag and the message reads...
the gifts in the bag!
Open the card and there is a handy~dandy gift card!

Using the new Tulip Bordered Embossing folder, it creats a nice frame around the cute flowers!

Well that is it for now, I will do my best once again to stay current, but dont hold your breathe, you wouldn't look good with that shade of blue on your skin! Love ya'll, and just know that I am always thinking of you, but I am just spending as much time with hubby and the children as possible! Keep watching, and following on Face Book!
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