Oct. was such a busy month!! Here are a few other projects that I worked on.....

these are the cutest Birth announcements ever, and I could never have done them with out the help of my dear Stampin' Buddy Mandy!! Woooo Hooooo Mandy Rocks!!

Here are some cute little post it note holders, I did for a friend that needed a little something to put in a Welcome Bag.
And Below are some really neat note book covers that I just had to do for my friend, you see these cute things were going in to a Welcome Bag for thier FSA's, dont ask me what it stands for. I have only been a military wife for 19 years, you would think i would know these things, and I do, just for the life of me can not think of what FSA stands for at the moment. But since these things were for Military people, I thought well we have to have something that says We are Proud to be an American!

WoW, I almost started belting out Lee Greenwoods Song there! Glad I caught myself, you guys might have had to shut down the computer!!! ;-)

O' this was a fun night, we ran down to Jessup, Ga. at the last minute to go to the Drive-In, now ya can not go to the Drive-In with out a Bucker (or 2) of KFC!!! Yumm-OOOooooo, can you say my tummy didnt feel so hot after all that grease, bu hey we had a good time. We watched Where the Wild Things Are (not as cute as the book was when the children were like 2!) and then because my husband is infatuated with Sandra Bullock we had to watch the 2nd feature All about Steve! which was not her best movie, and I slept through most of it!

I was asked to make these Rehearsal Dinner Invites for a Destination Wedding. The wedding was held at The Pinery in Colorado, with Fall like colors, so this is what I came up with!, I embossed the Pine Cones, very elegant, but not too fancy. We didnt want to out do the Wedding Invites.
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