Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Perfect Gift!

This is actually a gift that Stephanie made for Daddy as a Christmas Gift. And as we are still trying to get things decorated around the house, I thought, hmmmmmm I really should post this, because she did an Awesome Job!

She came up with the colors and her own meaning for "FAMILY"

She took pictures that we had taken through out the year and vacations

This was her favorite, notice the sign!!!! Does her dad count as an adult? Looks like a big kid to me!!!! but we had soooooo much fun! Stephanie was on Shelby, and Shelby was on Daddy!

One of my favorite pics from one of the barrier islands around Savannah, you can only get there by boat! It was so nice we just loved going there!

Great Memories, you did Great Stephanie!

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