Wednesday, August 17, 2011

LaMuir Baze ~ A Super Size Thinking of You!

Here is a Super Sized Thinking of You Card! One of Stephanie's team mates has a sister who was in a very serious car accident on the 2nd Day of school. This young lady is a senior this year, and will be in the hospital for many weeks to come if not months!  One of the mothers wanted to do something special for her and her family.  So everyone is chipping in, So I thought ~ I can make a card for the Softball team to sign. (and we have a lot of girls on the team)

Sooooooo I though well I will make a Big Card, so here it is,  not knowing the young lady myself, I asked one of our moms to pick out what she liked best.  She picked out the very appropriate Thinking of you with the wonderful tree! Well I don't have a stamp that big, and I didn't have any of the Decor Elements wall vinyl on hand, so I took my handy dandy little machine that magnifies images, taped the poster board to the wall, and traced the tree, and the Words, then copied the card pretty much from the Idea Book & Catalog the best that I could considering the large scale of things.
Just to show you how large the card is, I place a regular sized card next to it measuring at 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"
Now that is a Large Card! I pray that it helps her find strength during her recovery knowing that we all care so deeply for her during her recovery! Our Prayers are with you Dear One!

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